How to prepare a lesson plan

A lesson plan highlights the areas students need to learn within a specified time period and how it will be accomplished. Basically, it outlines the teaching methods applied by an instructor. It is a template for the accomplishment of the syllabus.

Instructors are required to prepare lesson plans to aid and facilitate class hours. Besides, the instructor can anticipate any problems that might arise during the learning period. Take a look at the lesson plan template doc.

The format

There is a format that must be adhered to when preparing a lesson plan. A good lesson plan must consider four critical components. These include; rationale, objective, strategy and evaluation. These four components are described as R.O.S.E model. The model helps an instructor to clarify their objectives, methodology, and evaluation criteria.

paper and pen

1. Outline learning objectives

This is the first step in writing a good lesson plan. In this part, the instructor should outline the major areas to be covered at the end of the class or learning session. The objectives must be ranked in chronological order based on importance. With clear objectives, an instructor can manage class time.

2. Write the introduction

The introduction establishes what is to be covered in a lesson. A thought-provoking introduction will stimulate interest among learners and encourage them to participate in the day’s topic. A good introduction should contain the approaches the instructor will use to engage students.

3. The body

The main body outlines a plan of the specific learning activities. These include the materials used to illustrate the topic, learning styles and ways to engage the leaner on the topic. The lesson plan should highlight how student participation will be done and the specific questions that will be used to check for the student’s understanding. The body must be comprehensively researched on to present something new.

5. Develop a conclusion and preview

This part should summarize the main areas that have been covered. It should be followed by a preview of the next lesson so as ignite students’ interest.


6. Timeline

Time is an essential element in accomplishing lesson objectives. It’s common for instructors to run short of time before completing the syllabus. It’s, therefore, a good idea that a lesson plan is narrowed down depending on the time that is available. A realistic lesson plan should be flexible and ready to adapt changing classroom environment.

Generally, an effective lesson plan provides a detailed outline of teaching objectives and goals as well as how they will be achieved. Creating a lesson plan is quite easy providing one plan carefully.

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